Two Senior Rangers Selected for Kowanyama

Oct 7, 2022

Darby Horace and Fitzroy Lawrence have been selected as the two Senior Rangers that will lead the Kowanyama Aboriginal Shire Council (KASC) Ranger Program into the future.

The first day on the job! Fitzroy Lawrence (L) and Darby Horace (R) being welcomed as the new Senior Ranger by Acting Manager Community Services and Cultural Heritage Kate Hams.

The Kowanyama locals were selected after a public call was made to the Community for qualified applicants.

Acting Manager of Community Services and Cultural Heritage Kate Hams said, “We wanted to make sure that anyone who put themselves forward could have a fair go at the roles.”

Applications were accepted by KASC joint-venture partner RISE, with a total of six applicants being interviewed.

Fitzroy has an extensive history with the KASC Ranger program and is one of the region’s most-skilled Rangers. For the past six months, he has been acting in this role alongside well-respected veteran Ranger Anzac Frank.

Fitzroy said, “I am happy to be chosen for this role. I believe leadership starts with setting a good example, and that’s my personal responsibility.”

Darby is a Olkola/Kunjen man who also had a significant presence in the Kowanyama Community. He previously served as Chairman of the Kowanyama Community Council and has worked with Olkola Aboriginal Corporation, the Abm Elgoring Ambung PBC, and Queensland National Parks.

“I’ve gained a lot of skills throughout my career,” Darby said. “It is an honour to be selected as a Senior Ranger and I look forward to contributing to the Kowanyama Community in this new role. I am very clear about what I want the Ranger Program to achieve, and I’m a firm believer in accountability.”

The two new Senior Rangers will jointly-manage the six-strong Ranger crew, plus several part-time volunteers from the RISE program. They will also be responsible for managing the Ranger Program’s workplans, budgets and assets including vehicles, vessels, tools, and equipment.

Ranger operations are currently focussed on the township of Kowanyama and the Oriners-Sefton property. Fisheries patrol are set to resume as soon as the Ranger vessels are returned from survey.

Please stop by the Lands Office to congratulate Darby and Fitzroy on their appointment to these coveted roles.