Last month, eight local high school students had the opportunity of gaining work experience in Kowanyama Aboriginal Shire Council’s Community Services and Cultural Heritage Department.

L-R: Keonia Sinnamon, Janae Mango, Erica Sinnamon, Steven Kean Jr.
After expressing interest in employment, they joined Council as Junior Support Officers at Kowanyama’s Multipurpose Centre, Lands Office, and Home and Community Care Facility.
As part of their role, they helped organise Sports and Recreation department’s School Holiday Program, assisted Rangers with coastal surveillance and helped provide care to the Elders of the Community.
Manager of Sports and Recreation Sereana Tuqiri, and Senior Rangers Fitzroy Lawrence and Darby Horace were impressed with their enthusiasm and hope to continue to program for future school holidays.
“It has been incredible to see the students taking an interest in getting work experience, and the way they have provided a valuable service to Kowanyama Community,” Ms. Tuqiri said.
Work Experience helps to build confidence, resilience and allows students to understand the importance of their studies. It also eases their upcoming transition from school to work environments and helps prepare them for the demands and expectations of the working world.
Thanks to the Work Experience students, the School Holiday Program was busier than ever before, reaching full capacity every evening until 10:00 PM. The increase in staff also allowed the department to run more activities, such as basketball and touch rugby tournaments.
The younger children in attendance enjoyed the presence of the older students and engaged more in activities. The students were also able to support and mentor them, passing along valuable guidance and social skills to help them to reach their full potential.
The placement of the students is just one of the many initiatives run by Council to help serve the Community with passion and purpose. It is a prime example of how organisations can utilise local talent to give back to their community.
Huge thanks go to the Sports and Recreation Staff, Rangers and Aged Care Staff who took the time to ensure the students had an amazing experience. Work experience has allowed the students to gain important skills, and to contribute to the success of the Kowanyama School Holiday Program, Ranger Program and Aged Care Services.
Kowanyama Aboriginal Shire Council applauds all Junior Support Officers who returned to the township of Kowanyama and provided their time, dedication and commitment to help serve and assist the Kowanyama Community.